During a week long stay on a working organic farm in Glocuestershire, children and young people take on purposeful activities focused on growing veg, harvesting and cooking, working with livestock, firelighting, log chopping and exploring the woods. Whilst here they gain a deep understanding of how food is produced and furthermore develop confidence and self esteem, make meaningful relationships and build resilience. This week of fresh air, dirty hands and good food noticeably improves wellbeing and expands horizons, whilst giving young people skills to take back to their homes, schools and communitites.
The Farm Project CIC works with predominantly inner city children and young people, often from the highest areas of disadvantage. We believe it is crucial for all, regardless of background, to have equal opportunity to connect to the countryside and understand where food comes from.
The transformation across the five days was also noticed. The students learnt a lot but over and above that they had an experience. We left with nine individuals and returned with a team.
Dan, Teacher, Corelli College